Sexology & Venereology
Sexologists play an important role in helping the patients with the complaints of
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Pre Mature Ejaculation
- Male Infertility
- Semenal discharge in Urine
- Desire Disorder
- Venereophobia
- Sexual problem in a diabetic individual
- Female sex disorders
- Pre-Marital counselling
- Teenage counselling
- Male & Female sex counselling
In Venereology, we treat patients with
- Sexually transmitted diseases – VDRL, TPHA
- Herpes genitalis
- Warts in the genitalia
- Candidal balanoposthitis etc.
We have a well equipped laboratory to check VDRL, TPHA, HIV – ELISA, Western Blot, CD4 count, HIV-PCR etc.